Productivity Hacks



Jocelyn Goldfein is a Partner at Zetta Venture Partners. She has compiled a list of some strategies and tactics that help her be productive and efficient. The list is in reference to software development, but the principles can be applied to any role. We’ve included a bare bones list from her original post below, but read here for Jocelyn’s full insights.

We plan on adding to this list and would love to hear of any reader suggestions.

- 01 - Identify and prioritize the right problem

- 02 - Always front load risk

- 03 - Write tests before writing code

- 04 - Just start typing

- 05 - Trick yourself into productivity, aka structured procrastination works

- 06 - Leverage or find your motivation

- 07 - Optimize your workstation

- 08 - Optimize your computer setup

- 09 - Get exercise and sleep

- 10 - Time block your calendar

- 11 - Eliminate interruptions

- 12 - Create a weekly work plan

- 13 - Tackle technical debt when there is a solution

- 14 - Don’t stop learning

- 15 - Learn holistically

Originally Published:
November 24, 2015,
Productivity Hacks, Jocelyn Goldfein- Zetta Venture Partners


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