Thoughts On Pricing Models



Seth Levine, Partner at Foundry Group, has compiled his insights around pricing. He works primarily with web services, but there are good prompts here for anyone working through a pricing matrix.

We’ve included the very basic bullet points from Seth’s list below, but you can read the full post here.

- 01 - Beware of too many pricing tiers.

- 02 - Have a clear delineation between product tiers.

- 03 - How about overlay features that you charge by the drink for?

- 04 - Be careful what you put a tariff on.

- 05 - The freemium myth.

- 06 - Don’t be afraid to charge for your product.

- 07 - Beware the long “trial” period.

Originally Published:
August 12, 2010,
Pricing Models, The Freemium Myth and Why You May Not Be Charging Enough For Your Product, Seth Levine- Foundry Group